Tuesday 14 November 2017

Turn on Mobile phone without Power button

Step 1: Connect with charger or USB cable and its going to charging

Charging mobile

Step 2: Remove the back cover of the mobile phone.
Step 3: Remove the charger which is you use and remove the battery and add back immediately

The mobile will be turn on

Turn on mobile


Monday 13 November 2017

Sunday 12 November 2017

How to Restore system in Windows 8

Sometimes we are getting with message preparing new windows while log on the system which is create the temporary windows and its takes long time to boot the system.

In that case, How to resolve the problem?

1. Go to My computer
2. Right click "My PC Name" and click on Properties and it going to "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\System"

My computer window
3. Click on System Protection in System window
System window
4. Click on System Restore under System protection tab
System Properties window
5. Click Next on System Restore window
System restore window
6. Select One date which restore your computer to the state it was in before the selected date event and Click on Scan for affected programs
Event Date
7. After clicking Scan for affected programs, it will shown what are programs(Applications) block this event and Click Close button
Note: Mostly, Anti-virus programs will block this event, So uninstall the Anti-virus before going this
Affected programs list
8. Click Next

9. Click on Finish

It will take 20-30 minutes on booting system. Dont shut down during this activity.